

Bengkung is a Malay traditional art of postpartum belly-binding. It is a process where the belly is tightly bound by a long piece of cloth in a criss-cross manner, and is a great way to honour your postpartum body as it heals. Unlike postpartum belly binders found on Amazon or Walmart, the bengkung is highly customizable. You are able to tighten and loosen it on any part of your body wherever you feel comfortable, working gently through your healing. More importantly, the bengkung is comfortable when worn for long periods of time, allowing you to go about on your daily activities.
Benefits of wearing the bengkung include:
* reducing postpartum contraction pain in the uterus
* reducing the duration of postpartum bleeding, promotes expulsion of lochia (postpartum vaginal discharge) and pregnancy tissues
* 'lifting' the womb to prevent it from resting on the bladder, and to therefore reduce incontinence
* promotes healing of postpartum diastasis recti
* supporting the abs and promotes an upright posture, especially when nursing
* reducing postpartum lower back pain
* tucks the abdominal organs into place, reducing 'jelly belly' and boosting postpartum self-confidence
Clients are encouraged to start using the bengkung approximately 4-7 days following a natural birth, or 4-6 weeks after a cesarean delivery (when the incision has healed, and of course, with your health provider's approval). The bengkung is worn for 8-12 hours daily, for at least the first 40 postpartum days.
Add on: Unscented belly balms can also be purchased for an additional $16. Concocted with nutrient-rich ingredients like shea butter, mango butter, calendula and lavender extracts, the balm can be massaged onto the belly prior to tying the bengkung to increase muscle tone, promote blood circulation and release any retained water that occur after childbirth while keeping the skin hydrated.
My in-person bengkung belly-binding service is $120, and it includes your own 100% cotton bengkung (note: belly balm not included). The duration of the session is approximately 45 minutes, where I will teach you how to tie the bengkung, and provide you with additional tips/tricks, so that you can continue the practice and effectively heal in the comfort of your home. Please note that I am not a registered massage therapist, and I do not provide any postpartum massage services at all. At the moment, my area of services is limited within downtown Toronto, and I only take on clients over the weekends. Please note that I do require a $40 non-refundable deposit to secure a spot, and the remaining $80 can be paid after the service is rendered. My calendar is pretty booked up several months in advanced, so please send me an email with your nearest intersection, and we can go from there. Please allow 3-5 business days for me to get back to you.
Bengkungs can also be purchased on its own for $70, shipping to anywhere in Ontario is an additional $20 (sorry, no pick up option available). If you live outside of Ontario, please send me your address so I can get you a more accurate shipping fee quote and we can go from there. Payment is only via e-transfer.
Check out my FAQ for any questions you might have. Feel free to reach out ( if you have any other queries! Thank you : )

Hello! My name is Haza and I'm a postpartum doula and bengkung belly-binding practitioner. I have over 5 years of experience in the postpartum industry, and my catchment area is in Downtown Toronto.
My professional certifications include:
Canada SafeCheck® Advanced Food Safety Certification (2023)
DONA International Postpartum Doula (2020)
Bengkung belly-binding practitioner (2020)
Breastfeeding for Birth Professionals by WellPregnancy (2020)
Infant/Child CPR by SAJE Vital Signs Inc (2020)
Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) advocate by QUILT Centre for Advocates (2020)
If you are looking for bengkung belly-binding services, drop me a line ( and we can go from there! Please allow 3-5 business days for replies. Check out my FAQ for any questions you might have.
For my (past) postpartum doula care stories, you can check out my instagram! :)